Just checking if everyone’s survey is done

We have 41, that’s all so if there are only 41 of you out there we have them all, and if not we are still waiting for you to put pen to paper – follow the links 5 minutes later you’ll be done!

  • If you are from Teesdale complete this survey
  • If you are from Rokewood complete this survey
  • Curious about your results? We will post updates soon!

    4 thoughts on “Just checking if everyone’s survey is done

    1. Thanks to all those who have recently completed the survey, this morning 44 and now 48 residents from Teesdale and one lonely entry from Rokewood.

      Time to pick up your socks Rokewood residents, we do want to hear from you too!

    2. I’m trying to prepare a public notice for the Community Notice Board to ask Teesdale residents to fill out the survey by Friday. It’s so bloody complicated for anyone not on the email list to get in it’s no wonder there’s so few been completed. This is a flawed way of doing things – designed by computer nerds – which could lead to an inaccurate view of the community’s wishes

      • Thanks Geoff
        But more accurately perhaps it was designed with the thought that people would read their initial material and would be and remain sufficiently interested to check for updates, to register for reminders when things were updated, or delightfully be reminded by their friends and neighbours, like you
        And a Council who doesn’t have endless funds


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